Gray Cat Unleashed Episode 6: Profit & Loss (P&L) Analysis
Aug 15, 2024
Few operators take the time to better understand both revenue projections as well as variable and fixed expenses so that they can see what contributes or detracts from profitability.
A “P&L (Profit & Loss) Analysis” provides a simple, yet effective, way of managing both revenue and expenses. It looks at opportunities to extract bottom-line savings in both fixed and variable expenses; creates a discipline of looking at your business line-by-line; and lets you enjoy the fruits of your efforts rather than overpaying for services.
Identify opportunities in your Profit and Loss statement and review tips on how to drop $20, $100, or even $500 a month into your pocket. The choice is yours; you can keep what you earn or give it to someone else.
In this episode of Gray Cat Unleashed, I highlight the key elements of the Profit & Loss (P&L) analysis.
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